Charlie Bumpers vs. the Puny Pirates (Book 5)
This season Charlie is assigned to the Pirates, the same soccer team as his best friends Tommy and Hector. They can't wait to try out the stupific plays they've perfected on their own. But their high hopes are crushed when the new coach never gives the dynamic trio a chance to perform together!
Well, if they can't be on a winning team, then maybe they can win the fundraiser prize for selling the most candy bars. They decide to pool their resources and sell their candy together. What could possibly go wrong with that?

Junior Library Guild Selection
"Master storyteller Harley scores again with fourth-grader Charlie Bumpers and friends as they suffer on a losing soccer team." Kirkus Reviews
"...what is there not to like-- intact, supportive families, positive role models, problems that actual students face-- LOVE." Ms Yingling on Goodreads