Wacka Wacka Woo
Stories and songs for primary grades that speak to a child's concerns and humor. Smart alecky girls (and boys), escaped hamsters, and magicians who won't use their magic inhabit Wacka Wacka Woo.

Parents' Choice Silver, AFIM Nominee and the recipient of the Storytelling World Award
"Luckily for listeners, Harley has never grown up. His work brims with the effervescence of youth. Introduce him to your children with this wonderful collection of songs and stories. They are silly, defiant, self-confident and creative---mirrors of the very young." Mahoning Valley Parent Magazine
"You tell great stories. Always there is something funny in them...If I'm upset I listen to your songs and you cheer me right up. One of my favorite stories is Aunt Edith Meets Tricky. P.S. I love singing too! Thanx." Jessica