The Amazing Flight of Darius Frobisher (Paperback)
When Darius' father flies off in a hot air balloon and doesn't come back, he is sent to live with his nasty Aunt Inga. Though it's the end of Darius' happy, carefree life, it's the beginning of an unbelievable adventure. Based on Bill's online novel "Flyboy"

2007 Bank Street Best Children's Books of the Year, 2007 Kansas State Reading Circle; 2008-9 Volunteer State Book Award Master Reading List (TN); Nominee, 2008-9 William Allen White Children's Book Awards, 2007-8 Keystone to Reading Book Award (PA)
"A story of magical proportions,...with threads of love, family, forgiveness and hope." Times Hearld-Record
"Your book was so great! Aunt Inga was so wonderfully terrible! " Sarah V., 5th grader
"Good fiction for middle-school readers is hard to write, and so many authors either talk down or talk up to this in-betwixt-age reader. The Amazing Flight of Darius Frobisher by Bill Harley does neither. The story, part Madeleine L'Engle and part "E.T.," combines the adventurous, the exotic and pure zaniness, a la the middle-school mindset.” Knox News Sentinel
"My name is Jack. I am 11 years old. The book was fantastic! I love to read. My mom saw the book by Bill Harley and bought it. We have almost all of his CDs. We listen to them all the time. We love them. My favorite part was when Darius flew on the flying bicycle. I couldn't put down the book. It was funny. The book was one of my favorites. I hope Bill Harley writes more books!!!!!"
"We're half way through and my four boys are captivated (ages 5-10). When I have them recall the last night's reading, even the youngest gets animated describing details I didn't remember. You can almost hear Bill's voice telling the story, which is fun if you're a fan of his CDs. This book has hit my family's fascination dead-on.” Jim
"My class and I are right in the middle of it as a read aloud right now...and everyone is LOVING it! (You should hear the groans and cries when I finish a chapter and then close the book!) It is great for me too, as I so seldom get to do a read aloud where I don't know what is happening either...we've been having great fun trying to guess ahead. Stopped on p. 107 for a 3 day weekend (do NOT read ahead...do NOT read ahead...!)" Bill:)